Déjà le 7éme album pour ce collectif d’Istanbul ! Comme pour les autres ce cd est en libre téléchargement. Mais ça ne vous empêche pas de les soutenir en l’achetant. Musicalement, c’est un gros mélange. De la fanfare dub/klezmer et plein d’autres influences comme ils l’expliquent (en anglais) sur leur site. On aime ou on aime pas le style musical mais en tout cas, la démarche très fortement militante du groupe donner envie d’en savoir plus. Dans ce dernier cd, Bandista évoque la condition des immigrés en se souvenant notamment de Festus Okey, tué à Beyoglu( quartier d’Istanbul) par la police. Tous les textes de Bandista sont en ligne (Turque/Anglais). Allez donc jetez un œil (et une oreille...) sur leur site.

-bANDiSTA : No Border-No Nation-No Exile
It has been five years since Festus Okey was murdered by the police in Beyoglu. Festus was neither the first victim of state violence, nor the last immigrant left to die or killed at the borders, out in the sea, in the middle of the cities, in state institutions or left to die in the hands of civilian fascists.
Everyone is a local, everyone is a migrant. Nobody flees without a reason. The reason might be war, exile, ecological and economic crisis, pogrom or genocide, discrimination or a desire to live a better life. Nation-state borders, walls, barbed wires, private security forces, death threats, do not, cannot and should not stop the wave of migrants whose only motive is to survive.
Anti-immigrant sentiments find their expressions in and through the actions and policies of the state as well as in daily life, in civilian fascist attacks, in professional associations of various sectors or in the discriminatory violence of precarious workers. Against this, we should strive to make immigration movement immanent to class struggle and anti-fascist /anti-nationalist movement remembering that the world of dissent and resistance gain its power from our international and collective struggle.Concentration camps still exit under the name of "guesthouses" in which immigrants are kept, decimation continues in the Mediterranean, in the Evros region, and every existing border. People are being beaten, deported, killed, and hunted in Turkey, Greece, Italy, and Germany… Struggle and solidarity continue all over the world…
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/2490597" params="color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]